Affidavit of Cecil McKinney

8:00 PM
Affidavit of Cecil McKinney

I, Cecil McKinney, being first duly sworn, deposed and state that I am a person of suitable age and discretion and if called upon to testify under oath in a court of law, would state the following: 1. That I personally know Dawn Renee Bean, born December 6 1967, having met her when I lived at 1548 Broadway, N.W. in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

2. That at all times that I have known Ms. Bean, I have known her to be racist, using racial slurs when talking of people of different ethnic background.

3. That at some time in either 1983 or early 1984, I had given Dawn Renee Bean a dark blue .32 caliber hand gun, which Ms. Bean regularly carried in her purse.

4. That I have lived at various addresses for the past 20 years and have been in and out of jail and prison and tried to stay in contact with Dawn Bean.

5. That during one of my releases, I met up with Dawn Renee Bean in the Grand Rapids area and she informed me that she had shot Onunwa Iwuagwu, also known as “Al”, who was originally from Africa.

6. That during this conversation, Dawn Renee Bean boasted and bragged about murdering Mr. Iwuagwu.

7. That I have read and reviewed this affidavit and affirm the contents herein, stating the same to being true, factual and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Cecil McKinney Subscribed and sworn to before me On this 26 day of June, 2003 Thomas Marsh, Notary Public Ionia County, Michigan My Commission Expires August 2, 2007

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