Emergency: Help us help Harry save his teeth!

2:51 PM
Emergency: extreme operations on Harry´s teeth without anesthetic! Please help us get Harry to an outside dentist who can use total sedation, because of Harry´s allergic reaction to local anesthetics.

July 27th, 2010

"... At the moment I am having some very serious dental problems. Over the weekend my bottom right molar tooth completely broke apart and the huge filling came loose. Yesterday I was on call-out the the prison dental office for a teeth cleaning and then was able to also talk with the prison dentist about my broken tooth, and he did examine saying the tooth has to either be removed or a crown/cap could be put in if I can pay for it myself. As you already know, I have no money to pay for this cap. But then he also told me that I have a cavity between my two upper left side molars, and because I am allergic to local anesthesia, this dentist wants to remove the one molar tooth, and drill on the other cavity, without using any anesthesia, even though the past 25 years, as my medical records show, I have always been taken to an outside facility for dental work where they can put me to sleep for anesthesia.

In case you did not know it, Correctional Medical Services (CMS) is no longer the health care provider for Michigan prisoners; the new health care provider for Michigan prison sis now Prison Health Services (PHS) and they are worse than CMS and are even being sued in many other states, but now they have the contract for Michigan prisoners and try to cut back everything so they can make pure profit by not providing needed health care.

I know it will be horrible painful to have my tooth drilled on without anesthesia, and the pain will just be unbearable when the dentist pries the broken tooth out without anesthesia, because the tooth is broken off all the way down to the gum-line. Also, if they remove the broken bottom molar, they will also remove the upper molar directly above the broken molar, because without the bottom molar the upper molar can serve no function and will eventually lower down because of gravity and cause an abscess."

Harry is allergic to anesthetic that is a "caine" derivative, so he has to have i.v. sedation, otherwise this would be significantly less in cost. We realize that he does need his teeth to chew, and that every tooth lost is devastating. The prison wants to use no anesthetic at all, because they don't do i.v.s.

We have found a local outside dentist, who will do this operation. They quoted an estimate of $1527.00 for the exam, x-rays, core and crown, and the i.v. sedation. This is without the payment for two guards who have to accompany Harry to the outside dentist.

Therefore! It is time to show our solidarity!

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